I had a Brain Surgeon, that had to help me through one of the most difficult times in my life. I was enamored by this man, his talents, and poise under pressure. This guy literally held my life in his hands twice, in one month, and then years later as well when I had my third brain surgery. So, as I was shopping for Mentors I had a soft spot for neurosurgeons, kismet! ENTER DR. BEN CARSON.
Dr. Ben Carson
Dr. Ben Carson worked at Johns Hopkins Hospital, in my home city of Baltimore, MD and was regarded as one of the best pediatric neurosurgeons in the world. When I was in elementary school, I took a field trip and attended one of Dr. Carson’s talks on his book, “Gifted Hands”. #lifechanging
Ben Carson became my mentor that day.
He didn’t know it.
He didn’t care.
He didn’t have a choice.
Ben Carson became my mentor that day. BOOM!
So, I ‘watched’ him. I stalked his career and many of the actions he took. When I’d watch Dr. Carson, I would turn my BS meter WAY up. I’d look for any signs that would show me that he wasn’t worthy of being my mentor. Genuinely kind, and honest…
Dr. Carson – YOU’RE HIRED!
Dr. Carson kept me on my toes and taught me a lot. I wasn’t sure if you were mentoring me to become a decent man, or a brain surgeon. #blurredlines
Recognize your Mentors FIRST ACT of MENTORSHIP
At the end of Dr. Carson’s talk, he gave each member of my class a copy of his book, Gifted Hands. Wait I’m not sure what he gave those snot-nosed losers, all I knew was…
Dr. Ben Carson

Having that book in my hands was tangible evidence, an offering from Dr. Carson himself, that he’d been waiting for a young boy with a spongelike curiousity, and zest for knowledge! Well you found him Dr. Carson! I’m here!

I vaguely remember Dr. Carson mumbling something, as he handed his application of menteeship book to me:
“Justin, Can I be your mentor? You’ve got a bright future, and I want to be along for the ride, and help in any way I can.”
Well…that’s what I heard him ask in my head, no no….I’m mistaken…
He Definitely said:
“Hey Youngster…you’ve got totes potential. Lemme help guide you through life as your mentor! Please…Pretty Please! I don’t wanna miss out on all the greatness that lies ahead of you!”
Mentor Takeaways
- Rise above the bad environment you grew up in – SEPARATE YOURSELF
- Run For President TAKE RISKS
- Speak your beliefs HONESTY AT ANY COST
- Never hide who you really are from the world INTEGRITY
Thank you, Dr. Ben Carson, you taught me so much as you’ve mentored me over the years.
Next Step:
Just as you would in any mentor/mentee relationship you have to set boundaries. What’s next…
Make Promises to your STOLEN MENTOR
Sell yourself as a good mentee, by making promises you can keep. Integrity is the name of the game here, and you have to be PERFECT. Here are some of the promises I made to Dr. Carson that weighed heavily on him deciding to continue to mentor me:
Dr. Carson, I promise to:
- Never call you.
- Never email you.
- Never show up at your office.
- Never be a burden.
- Never ask you for ANYTHING EVER!
After I made those promises, he was like putty in my hands! How could he have ever refused to mentor those terms? No STOLEN Mentor ever could, or ever did.
Validating your Mentor
Dr. Carson withdrew himself from speaking at the Johns Hopkins, School of Medicine’s graduation ceremonies, after a petition was circulated requesting that he withdraw as commencement speaker. This petition came after Dr. Carson expressed some of his personal views, on a very controversial political issue, Article Here. Dr. Carson had done so much for research programs at both the University and the Hospital. He’d done so much for the students, faculty, patients, and the world as the Director of Pediatric Neurosurgery.
But alas, the bridge appeared to be burned between Dr. Carson and his longtime employer, at least on some level. An unfortunate end to a relationship that served both Dr. Carson and Johns Hopkins very well, for many years.
He BOLDLY and with CONVICTION “picked” a side, and so did the student body at The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. It’s sad how that story ended…but I respect my STOLEN Mentor for standing on his principles – Dr. Ben Carson. #validatedmentor
Related Post Links:
How to Steal a Neurosurgeon Mentor
How to Steal a Billionaire Mentor
How I stole a Tech Mogul as a Mentor